Friday, January 9, 2009

Prodigal Parnsips

I haven't made parsnips in ages. In fact, the last time I remember even having them was about 10 years ago at a Thanksgiving in South Carolina. I remember them tasting simple and potato-y. These ended up tasting rather sweet. I made a lot and really enjoyed the first bit, but towards the end... I dunno. They kind-of lost their charm. So I'd certainly recommend this for a simple, yet impressive, side dish.

What I did:
peeled and then grated them with one of those fantastic box metal graters. if you're fancy, you could use a food processor. That would certainly keep you from grating a knuckle, like I usually do.

Threw the grated parsnips on a pot on the stove with a little water (just to cover the bottom) and salt. I added tomatoes for colour and cooked it on med-low heat until the 'snips were soft.

now it's properly photoshopped

1 comment:

Regina said...

Parsnips. Not quite carrots, not quite potatoes. An overlooked and misunderstood edible root.