Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Does anyone know how to pronounce that word? I haven't a clue, but I do have a feeling that it's not the way that I say it. That sounds like a job for wikipedia... but later.

Because I'm at home alone, I can do whatever I damn well please at whatever time I want, so at 9 last night, I started making gnocchi. It's a good thing to have hanging around in your freezer because... well, who likes pasta out of a bag, anyway?

A recipe for gnocchi is very simple and standard: Cook a potato or two, mash, add olive oil and salt and herbes or whatever else you'd desire in realm of flavor, toss in flour until it becomes soft and not sticky or crumbly. Whatever recipe you do have, though, remember that it makes a hella lot and that it's very time consuming because, if you're like me, you'll want to make each individual pasta that you roll out perfectly pretty like all the rest.

Here's the roll of dough that I cut into "pillows."

I've made gnocchi before, but last time it didn't turn out nearly so good. The dough kept on being too sticky. This time I got a perfect consistency with 1.8lbs of cooked potato (we have a scale at home) and 200ccm (just short of 1 cup) gluten-free corn flour (that's all I had in the cupboard). It gave it a super-nice texture and colour. I don't know about y'all, but I really like yellow foods.

I'll make a meal with these later and let you know. For a much more comprehensive tale of gnocchi, take a look at veganyumyum. I swear that I do read more blogs than just hers, but this is my favorite.

I rolled 'em out on a fork.

I layed them out on sheets and stuck them in the freezer until they were cold enough for me to put them in little plastic bags for more convenient storage.

1 comment:

Regina said...

"nyucky" They're beautiful.